What Inspires Kids Today (September Edition)

by: Arietta Xylas

When we are struggling or in need of support, the guidance of those around us can be extremely beneficial and a great source of inspiration to us. Gianni Dellis often finds his strength in those from the United States Marine Corps (USMC). While working under the department of the U.S Navy, the U.S Marines are trained to complete their operations both on land and at sea. When asked what aspects of the USMC he found his inspiration in, Gianni stated, “They are able to push through incredible struggles to better themselves, and their brothers and sisters- I find that very inspiring.” 

According to the USMC website, “In our world, in ourselves, and in our way, there are conflicts, challenges, and obstacles that must be fought confidently and defeated convincingly for our Nation to prevail.” Although their mission applies to benefiting the entire nation, the same ideology can be applied to our everyday lives. Life is full of challenges that cannot be avoided and we have to find the strength within ourselves to prevail. However, just as the Marines work together to overcome their next mission, we must also work together with our friends and family to conquer our own struggles.

Gianni is also very passionate about climbing, competition, and anything to do with the outdoors. Because of his great passion for these 3 things, he tries to incorporate them into his day-to-day life wherever he can. It is important to maintain hobbies and interests that you know bring you joy in life. With the current ongoing pandemic, many schools and workplaces have been fully remote for over a year. An unexpected consequence of doing work and school from home is that it has become increasingly easier to live every day from assignment to assignment. By doing things we enjoy when we can, we improve the quality of both our lives and mental health.

Gianni puts a big stress on the importance of mental health and hopes that if there is anything he can do for the world, it is being able to change peoples’ attitudes towards life and improve their mental health in any way he can. He acknowledges how difficult it can be to change someone's mindset or help them during difficult times, but nonetheless, he always tries his best to help those in need of support.

In my opinion, being there for the people around you is one of the biggest ways you can ever hope to make a difference. By being there for one person when they needed it, you have already made a big impact on their day and even possibly their life. In order to change the world, the first change has to come from you in how you interact with others. You never know what people are going through behind the scenes and you should always choose to be kind. Through kindness and compassion, we can make the biggest difference.

Nicholas Katsoris