Dogs: Your best friends: Adopt Today! by Tomas Orphanos
Perseus, aka Percy
It is a well-known fact that dogs are man’s best friend, but if this were entirely true then why would 670,000 dogs be euthanized each year? The need to regulate breeders is essential in order to minimize the eventual terminal fate of so many dogs. I have 4 dogs, and each and everyone has a personality unto themselves, all of whom bring immense joy into our lives. To have a dog is to experience true love, they do not judge nor do they harbor ill feelings. They simply love.
There are numerous benefits to adopting a dog. Adopting a dog from a shelter or rescue group is less expensive than buying a dog. There are emotional benefits as well as physiologic benefits. Loving pets can reduce stress and anxiety as well as mitigate the feeling of loneliness. Giving a dog a second chance at living a happy life in a loving environment is also a benefit to the pet. Numerous medical studies have concluded that newborns living in homes with pets are less likely to develop food allergies. There are even health benefits for adults to owning a dog. Certain responsibilities come with dog ownership, such as walking the dog daily, oftentimes several times daily. Such activity could only benefit the owner.
Families who adopt dogs find that dog ownership benefits the children in so many ways. Dogs bring joy to all family members, especially the children. Dog ownership also instills in children the responsibilities associated with having a dog. Responsibilities such as walking, feeding, and grooming should be delegated to all family members including children. Teaching such responsibilities to children creates a foundation for accountability and helps them develop into mature responsible adults.
The sincere opportunity of giving a dog a second chance at happiness by adoption is a life-changing event for the dog and the owner. Both the owner and the pet experience immense joy. In fact, based upon studies, the owner may actually benefit more since there is a significant psychological and physiological benefit to having a dog who loves its owner. Considering the amount of dogs in shelters across the USA, it is an easy task to save a dog’s life and at the same time improve the quality of life for the owner/family.
My name is Tomas Orphanos and I recently adopted a Pug with one eye because I was afraid he wouldn’t be adopted due to his disability. He has brought so much joy, love, and happiness to our family that I cannot imagine life without him. I ask all of you to go out and adopt a pet. The rewards of having a pet whose life you saved are immeasurable.