JFP APPROVED By Justin Sather

It was Dr. Jane Goodall who gave me hope to create change for the planet. I met Dr. Jane when I was 6 years old. I told her frogs were dying because people were cutting down their homes and pollution and pesticides were making them sick. I also told her I had an idea to save them by protecting the wetlands and rainforests and to clean the rivers. Dr. Jane understood because when she was a kid, she wanted to save the chimpanzees and helped them. Dr. Jane told me to be brave and stay determined.

Later that day that I met her, Dr. Jane Goodall gave a speech. She explained animals and the next generations of kids will be in trouble if things don’t change. Dr. Jane told us rainforests are being destroyed and the rivers and oceans are filling up with plastic pollution. She said there is only a short window of time before it is too late but not to give up hope. Finally, Dr. Jane challenged us all to take action and her advice was to create change with scientists, businesses, and leaders by changing their minds and hearts.

Six years later, I created my own “JFP Business Stamp of Approval”. I am working with businesses that care about our planet and future. My first “JFP APPROVED BUSINESS” is ECOS. I got to visit the ECOS headquarters and learned all about their green chemistry, plant powered ingredients that are safe for animals and people, and how their business is climate positive. I was most impressed with their new liquidless laundry and dishwasher soap that no longer needs to be sold in a plastic bottle that can end up in our rivers and oceans. 

Justin is an 11 year-old from Carsbad, CA

Nicholas Katsoris